
Slender Legs: Tweaking an Old Favorite

Having slender legs can really be an asset if dressed correctly! They make you look taller and, of course, slim and elegant! The problem usually occurs when the knee shows. No matter how slender the leg, it can look great a pair of heels with patterned tights…unless that bulky, unattractive knee is stealing the show!

Also, wearing clogs or large flip-flops or flats can really look odd with a pair of thin legs. I avoid them entirely for fear of looking like a duck! The point is, your body is fragile and slender; your shoes and even skirt styles need to mirror that.

Remember, it’s about balance!

Flattering Choices:

Pantyhose or tights with designs add interest to your legs, making their size less noticeable.

Skirts at least an inch below your knee are important; any higher and the bulk of your knee will make your legs look even thinner or misshapen.

Boots with built-in calves are great as long as they aren't too wide at the top!

Maxi skirts with cute sandals are always a plus--particularly with heels!

Heels actually make the calf ball up a bit so wear them whenever you wear those knee-length skirts!

Less Flattering Choices:

White, pasty legs look ill when your legs are slender; get some sun and you'll look much better!  They also have spray on tans and vitamins to help if you're not a fake-baker!

Stay away from dark or black hose as they slim; white--if it works with your outfit--or flesh colored is best!

Skirts at mid-calf or mid-ankle are murder for any size or shape of leg; showing the skinny ankle without the pretty calf isn't very attractive.  Opt for skirts just below your knee or at the base of your ankle!

Avoid heavy fabrics that will contrast with your size too much!

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